The third sector delivering public services. Developments, innovations, challenges

Rees, Ja­mes; Mul­lins, Da­vid (Hrsg.), 2016: The third sec­tor de­li­vering pu­blic ser­vi­ces. De­ve­lo­p­ments, in­no­va­tions and chal­len­ges. Bris­tol, Po­li­cy Press 

Drawing on re­se­arch car­ri­ed out at the ESRC fun­ded Third Sec­tor Re­se­arch Cent­re, the book charts the his­to­ri­cal de­ve­lo­p­ment of the sta­te-third sec­tor re­la­ti­ons­hip, and re­views the ma­jor de­ba­tes and con­tro­ver­sies ac­com­pany­ing re­cent shifts in that relationship.